Storying Sheffield

Arts, Mental Health and the University: A Conversation

Arts, Mental Health and the University: A Conversation
Wednesday 19th June, 2019: 4.00 – 6.30 pm
University of Sheffield

For tickets please email Rachel Zerihan:

Are you interested in hearing more about the ways in which arts practitioners and theatre scholars promote mental health through creative practice? Would you like to find out about current projects that specialise in broadening our understanding, experience and knowledge of issues related to mental health? Do you want to know more about how theatre, performance and the arts generally can speak back to the very prevalent and pressing matter of mental illness? Do you have a view on the role of the university in supporting students’ mental health?

Nick Rowe (Professor at York St John and Dramatherapist), ‘Opening up the University to People with Mental Health Problems: Lessons from Converge’
Bridget Escolme (Professor at Queen Mary University of London), ‘Performing Mental Health: Theatre as Pedagogy for Student Well-being’.

Brendan Stone (University of Sheffield)

Rachel Zerihan, Carmen Levick, Frances Babbage (University of Sheffield)